The currency circle is full of air. No matter what currency, what track, what background, what financing, etc., what do these have to do with you? Entering the currency circle is to make money, not to have any beliefs!

Focus on volume and price, especially volume. Volume is equivalent to funds, which is equivalent to the salary of the main team. The main force does not buy when the price is extremely low, so why do you dare to buy it?

If you see signs of a certain coin absorbing funds, you will not lose too much if you buy it again. But if you rush in without seeing the absorption of funds, you are full of faith, thinking that this is the TOP1 of XX track, the layout of XX track will explode in the future, and it has a great background, etc.

What are you believing in? The price has fallen to the point where it can't fall anymore, and the main force has not paid out real money to buy these coins. Why do you want to buy them with your hard-earned money? You can't even eat, and you still buy these junk coins. Then, do you want to pass on the so-called pattern to the next generation?

In the end, those main forces enjoy themselves every day, hugging young models on both sides, what about you? I can only comfort myself every day

Recently, I have seen a lot of ENA that KOl has been promoting. How is it now? Many people asked me about it when they bought it at 1.2. Now it has fallen to 0.3. What should I do? I can only blame myself for rushing in blindly.