According to the latest market dynamics, the cryptocurrency space is experiencing significant volatility. The current price of Bitcoin (BTC) fell below $60,000, with volatility reduced to 0.68% within 24 hours, while Ethereum (ETH) fell below $2,900, with volatility of 1.44%. In the past four hours, nearly 113 million US dollars were liquidated across the entire network, mostly with long orders, which shows that market sentiment is sluggish. Ethereum’s decentralized finance (DeFi) total lock-up value (TVL) has dropped to $40 billion, showing that liquidity in this area is also gradually decreasing, with a decline of 9.16% in the past seven days. In addition, Grayscale’s Ethereum Trust lost $2 billion in 9 days, reflecting institutional investors’ concerns about the market outlook. At the same time, Morgan Stanley Wealth Advisors plans to launch a Bitcoin ETF, which may attract new capital inflows. On the regulatory front, WhatsApp warned that it may withdraw from Nigeria due to fines, showing that the market is sensitive to compliance risks. Overall, the cryptocurrency market demand is weakening and investors need to remain cautious. Current market trends show clear downward pressure.