Odaily Planet Daily News: Aaron, a researcher at the nonprofit BrownStone Institute, wrote on the X platform: The idea that Bitcoin is a "fair launch" is ridiculous. The idea that a cryptocurrency that claims to be a decentralized, equal, and democratic alternative to the existing financial order was born on a closed, invitation-only, and strictly audited mailing list is an insult to all decency and fairness. The fact is that Bitcoin has never been about fairness, equality, or democracy. It's about a group of smart, tech-savvy people who see an opportunity to create new systems, new paradigms, and new ways to make money. They are willing to do whatever it takes to make this happen, even if it means excluding the vast majority of the world's population. So let's not be fooled by the rhetoric of "fair launch" and "decentralized democracy." Let's look at Bitcoin for what it really is: a product of privilege, exclusivity, and elitism. Let's not forget the countless people who have been left behind, who are not part of the "crowd," who have been deprived of the opportunity to participate in this revolution.