The path of ordinary people's improvement in the cryptocurrency circle:

The transformation from leeks to investors

1. After entering the cryptocurrency circle, have you ever imagined getting rich overnight and then leaving in a hurry?

But real growth is about how to become a resilient "leek" and move forward steadily in the market. Remember, survival is always the first priority, don't let yourself disappear in impulse.

2. If you want to gain a foothold in the B circle, you must first improve your cognition.

This is not a temporary bet on B, but a marathon about growth. You have to learn to think like an investor, not just chasing short-term fluctuations.

3. Next, the basic concept of investment is your compulsory course.

What is really important is to understand the internal logic of investment. For example, how to play in the primary market, what are the rules of the secondary market, and why chasing ups and downs is a road of no return.

4. Then, look for those excellent investment frameworks and try to tailor one for yourself.

In this way, when you invest, you can clearly know why you can win and why you lose.

5. Cangwei control:

This is your moat. When the bear market is raging, it can allow you to hold your ground and wait for the arrival of spring.

6. Finally, learn to control your mentality:

When you can stay calm and indifferent in the storms of the market, it means that you are no longer a novice entering the B circle, but have truly grown into a mature investor.

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