#美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国政府转移BTC

Are there any short sellers of bnb who followed Brother Jiu? Have you all become short sellers now? You should not be as ambitious as on Monday. At that time, the belief of the long army was flying all over the sky, and Brother Jiu went short and took off on the spot.

Bnb was also shorted when it was at 586, and continued to go short when it reached 570. At that time, I was afraid that everyone would be scared, so I closed the short order directly and took everyone to go short directly at the original position.

I said to look at 553 first, and after it fell below, I could look at 535. The lowest price yesterday was 525, and it took off directly. Congratulations to the partners who followed! $BNB