BNB: The daily level is in a bearish trend. Please pay special attention to the dynamics near the antenna long and short price of 571.47. #BNB金鏟子

Brothers, we can look for short entry signals at the four-hour level, that is, the purple dot, provided that the price of 561.51 fails to break through successfully. #bnb每日打卡

If the short position continues, please pay attention to the support area near the two prices of 510.11 to 453.73.

If the four-hour long and short prices are effectively broken, turn to the one-hour level to wait for the long buy signal, that is, the yellow dot appears. #BNBSmartChain

Consider opening a long position at this time, and the pressure level is set near 605.98. Please remember that before trading contracts, you must give priority to risk control. #BNB挖礦 $BNB $ETH $BTC