Yesterday's market, especially the evening market, was very powerful. If you short the contract, your assets will double easily! However, if you go long on the contract during that period, the final result of holding on will only be a liquidation.

Up to now, 6 netizens have added me as a friend and talked about their own liquidations in long contracts on NOT; NOT has taught some people a lesson, especially those who have just entered the field and have weak knowledge in the field, and once again explained what the dangers of the capital market are.

I often meet some netizens who ask questions that show that they are not very worldly-wise and have little understanding of the field, let alone field knowledge. Every time I meet them, I kindly give them a hint or ask them a question in return, hoping that they can gain some insight. But in reality, others may not understand or appreciate what I say, and may even quickly delete me as a friend!

Human beings are the most complex creatures in the world. People cannot teach others, but things can teach people once. Most of the time, the experiences shared by others are not of much use, but you will remember them after experiencing them once.

Among these 6 netizens, the smallest amount was 820u and the largest was 11472u. They worked late into the night yesterday but still couldn't escape the fate of liquidation. They found me and complained, but it was of no use afterwards.


One netizen described: Seeing the obvious upward trend, I went long on the contract and then covered my position, which led to increasing losses. I was thinking of fighting a desperate battle, but ended up with a margin call. All the assets in my account were lost. I am ready to leave the field and go back to work. This place is not suitable for me.

Another netizen described:

Seeing that the liquidation price was getting closer and closer, the mainstream began to rebound, and I increased the margin and covered all the more than 2100 U in the exchange account. However, NOT coin did not rebound and continued to fall. Later, it plunged downward sharply, and my account was liquidated;

At that time, it looked like it was not going well, so I quickly withdrew and stopped the loss. There was still a little left in the account, but it was too late to react.

not the liquidation price was 0.0114490, not the coin price dropped to 0.0113, and then the market began to rebound. The subsequent rise had nothing to do with me, as my position had been liquidated, and it seemed as if it was specifically targeting my order, and it started to rise after the liquidation.

What these two netizens experienced is just a microcosm. Judging from today’s feedback, quite a few people had their positions liquidated when they were long on NOT coin contracts yesterday.

This market is far more complicated than many people imagine. As one netizen mentioned above, it seems as if it is specifically targeted at him. The power of big data is so strong that it is beyond his cognition.

The market has taught us another lesson: the capital market is bloody and extremely dangerous, and it is no exaggeration to compare it to a battlefield;

It is easy for an ordinary person to lose a year's hard-earned salary here. Only by constantly improving oneself and adapting to this market can good results be achieved.