A man of about 75 years old was traveling on a train and was taking advantage of the time by reading a book...

A young university student was traveling next to him

who was also reading a voluminous science book...

Suddenly, the young man realizes that the book the old man is reading is a Bible and without much ceremony, he asks him:

Do you still believe in that book full of fables and tales?

-Yes, of course, the old man answered,

but this is not a book of tales

or fables, it is the Word of God...

Do you think I am wrong?

Of course you are wrong...

I think that you, sir, should dedicate yourself to studying Science and Universal History...

You would see how the French Revolution, which occurred more than 100 years ago, showed the short-sightedness, stupidity and lies of religion...

Only uneducated or fanatic people,

still believe in such nonsense...

You, sir, should know a little more about what scientists say about these things...

- And tell me, young man,

is that what our scientists say about the Bible?

- Look, since I'm going to get off at the next station, I don't have time to explain, but leave me your card

with your address, so I can send you some scientific material by mail, so you can educate yourself a little on the issues that really matter to the world...

The old man then, with great patience, carefully opened the pocket of his coat and gave his card to the young university student...

When the young man read what it said, he came out with his head down and his gaze lost, feeling worse than an amoeba...

The card said:

Professor Doctor Louis Pasteur,

General Director National Institute for Scientific Research National University of France.

(True event that occurred in 1892)

"A little Science takes us away from God. A lot of it brings us closer."

Dr. Louis Pasteur

Moral: The greatest pleasure for an intelligent person is to pretend to be an idiot in front of an idiot who pretends to be intelligent.