👟Sold out as soon as it went online: Trump's Bitcoin-themed sneakers are highly sought after by the cryptocurrency industry!

✨Following some lighthearted topics, fellow fashion and cryptocurrency enthusiasts! Trump made a speech at the Bitcoin Conference last Saturday, expressing his clear support for Bitcoin (BTC), which triggered a wave of FOMO in the cryptocurrency circle.

😎 Subsequently, Trump's team took advantage of the opportunity to launch a super cool Bitcoin-themed sneaker on his website on Thursday, which was very popular as soon as it appeared! 🚀

👀 The design of this shoe has a classic silhouette, but the real highlight is the conspicuous Bitcoin logo and the bold words "Crypto President Trump". Wearing them is so cool!

💸 And guess what? The original price of these shoes was $500, but they were sold out in seconds as soon as they were put on the shelves! Now on eBay, the price has been hyped up to five times the original price, and some scalpers have even pushed the price to $2,500 a pair!

🤔 Do you think the world is too crazy? But this is the charm of cryptocurrency, especially for those Bitcoin fans, this pair of shoes is simply a symbol of status! But obviously, for most people, the value of this pair of shoes far exceeds its own value.

🤷‍♂️ At this point, we can't help but ask: Who would be willing to pay for this pair of shoes? Is it a Bitcoin super fan, or a simple trend follower? Or is this just another craze in the cryptocurrency world?

💬Finally, would you pay for this pair of Bitcoin sneakers? Feel free to speak in the comments!

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