#MARBLEX #MBX Rules in staking your NFT

Unstaking all staked NFT will cause the user to forcibly claim all accumulated rewards.


Includes details about NFT available for staking, staking status, and rewards for each Token ID. Users may view other user's Token ID or staking details as well as their own.

Mineable Reward:

The amount of rewards that can be claimed at a certain point for each Token ID

Mineable Reward = (Staking Reward)-(Amount of claimed reward)

Staking Reward:

Initial amount of rewards distributed for each Token ID

When NFT levels up, the amount of Staking Reward and Mineable Reward adjusts itself according to the NFT's level.

Base APR:

The base mining efficiency. It is used for the Staking Reward Formula.

Staking Status:

Displays the current staking status