[In the past 24 hours, 23.5CNY was wiped out, nearly 100,000 people went bankrupt, and a textbook long-short double kill was staged! ]

2024.8.2 8:45 AM BTC market analysis

Last night, the 64800 line prompted short-term BTC to be in a short trend temporarily, so it is not recommended to go long. Last night, the lowest probe was 62302. Although the price recovered 65055 and recovered above the key resistance level temporarily, if you chased high last night, you would have to bear a drop of $2,500. I believe that there are not many long orders in this range that will open such a large stop loss range or resist $2,500; at this moment, 65055 has become the key point of today. The North American main force is too full. A wave of long and short eats, and the market's nearly 2.5 billion liquidity is pocketed by the North American main force. This is capital, which makes you feel that the market is still the same market, but your chips are no longer there! It robs you of your liquidity and makes you feel that you are not strong enough and do not resist enough. If you hold on a little longer, you will make money. The main force wants this result from you. Only in this way can the next wave of the main force fluctuate more and receive more! Remember: I am not afraid of you making money, but I am afraid that you dare not boldly FOMO-style trading. When you trade crazily, your shortcomings will be exposed, and you will become the hunting ground of the main force!

BTC attention

Support 64300/63500/62500

Pressure is temporarily set at 66000

Support level This wave of crazy pull in the early morning directly swept away the decline and ate up all the declines in the past two days. The volume cannot cover the decline at this moment, and it still needs time to consolidate. It depends on the 65000 mark in the next few days, or where the retracement will get support, such as the 64300 line in the past two days. It is worth paying attention to! Chasing high is absolutely not advisable. The retracement with reduced volume and the pull-up pattern with large volume appear. You can consider short-term intervention in the retracement!

$BTC $ETH $SOL #美联储何时降息?