Analysis of AAVE/USDT on 3-Day Chart

Price Analysis:

The price of AAVE/USDT is currently at 114.78, showing a 7.93% increase. The 7-period moving average (MA) is at 101.32, the 25-period MA is at 95.46, and the 99-period MA is at 97.75. The price has risen from a recent low of 47.30 and is approaching a resistance zone around 120.02.


1. MACD: The MACD line (2.60) is above the signal line (-0.23), indicating strong bullish momentum. The histogram also shows increasing bullishness.

2. RSI (6): The RSI is at 75.47, which is in the overbought territory. This suggests a potential for a pullback or consolidation, as the price may be overheated.

Support and Resistance Levels:

- Nearest Support: 97.75 (99-period MA)

- Nearest Resistance: 120.02 (recent high)


The chart shows a strong bullish trend, supported by the MACD and the rising price action. However, the RSI indicates overbought conditions, which could lead to a short-term correction. Traders should watch for a breakout above 120.02 for continued upside or a potential pullback to the 99-period MA support.

Timeframe: 3-Day Chart