This afternoon I only wrote an article sharing my own perspective and my view correctly predicted the direction of $BTC but this crypto market is full of uneducated people, 80% of those who read this person's or that person's article then curse because that person always thinks they are right according to their opinion, other people's opinions are different and they jump in to curse. Fuck you (sorry everyone for swearing) I wrote the article to share my perspective for your reference, not to advise you to invest, smart people will choose for themselves to receive useful things. As for you flies, you only know how to go from place to place cursing, I follow 7 people, they write articles to attract people to copy trade, I always read and summarize, I have never cursed anyone but when I scroll through the comments on any article, I see these flies coming to curse (as if they lost too much so they curse to be less stupid). If you are good, you should give your point of view to argue and compare, don't curse bluntly. Personally, I evaluate that this market has 20% of successful people, the money from the pockets of 80% of these ignorant people who curse will flow into the pockets of 20% of intellectuals, the floor and MM never lose.

Ask for evidence that I bought BTC, if you find it reasonable, then play on your own and take responsibility, and still ask for evidence, what can you give me, what do I take from you, I don't have the ability to attract people to copy trade. Look closely, I have placed an order and set a SL at $BTC , if it breaks the T9 peak, there will be a few hundred dollars, if it comes back, I will be in a tie and find a lower point to buy long term. This is the last article I share! 80% of this is trash!