According to TechFlow, Jupiter co-founder Meow published a long article, expounding on Jupiter's vision and the importance of JUP tokens. Meow said that Jupiter aims to build an all-round exchange, promote a unified giant market, and accelerate the realization of a decentralized metaverse. In this process, JUP tokens are crucial as core resources and alignment mechanisms.

Meow emphasized that building and maintaining trust among early stakeholders is the key foundation for achieving this ambitious goal. To this end, Jupiter proposed the C.A.T (Certainty, Alignment, Transparency) principle, which is to provide certainty to token holders, alignment of interests among key stakeholders, and transparency of token distribution.

Jupiter has taken a number of measures to implement the C.A.T principle, including a 50/50 token economics model, a "Community Eats First" program, DAO voting on key token measures, and the first real-time community audit in the crypto industry. Meow said that these measures are designed to avoid confrontation (PvP) within the community and promote collaboration (PPP).

Finally, Meow proposed a draft of the "C.A.T Protocol", which promises public community audits of JUP allocations every 6 months, 100% disclosure of token sales, 3 months advance notice of token releases, treasury transparency, and all community allocations of tokens decided by DAO voting.