Meme money-making skills:

1. At the bottom, after dev buys, it may rise. But make sure it is a real large-amount buy, not a scam. Dev buys may buy very small amounts.

2. Be patient, don't buy at a small high point on the minute line. If you miss it, you miss it.

3. Good themes can add small pools. Wait for others to rush into the retreat pool.

4. Dev transfers his chips to hide the market crash.

5. At each stage, the market has a money-making theme. It was neiro-related before, and it is gender-related today. Funds are pouring in during fluctuations, which is very awesome. But themes are also divided into large and small, corresponding to the size of market capitalization.

6. Don't touch targets that are far from the theme.

7. Buy and sell according to the second-level K-line. Use the minute line to look at the market, combined with the 5-15 minute line.

8. The core projects of the theme are beginning to weaken, and you must be cautious about bottom-fishing the marginal projects of the theme. It is better to wait until the downward break before bottom-fishing, which is safer.

9. Operate at most 2 projects at the same time, and don't be greedy. It is best to only look at one K-line at a time. Looking at more than one K-line can easily lead to operational errors, and you may not have enough time to grasp many points.