According to TechFlow, Telegram and TON's social growth engine INVITE announced the launch of its native token $INVITE and announced the airdrop rules. $INVITE is the native token of INVITE Dapp, with governance and voting rights, and is only issued on the TON blockchain. The total supply is 1 billion, of which 80% is used for mining, 5% for project development, 5% for the community, and 10% as an ecosystem fund.

All UXLINK registered users, UXUY holders, and $UXLINK holders can participate in the $INVITE airdrop program.

New KYC users of can exchange 1000 UXUY for 200 $INVITE, and existing KYC users can exchange 200 UXUY for 40 $INVITE. The daily exchange quantity and amount are randomly allocated.

INVITE proposed the "LINK TO EARN" mechanism, which has supported more than 50 partners and uses UXLINK as its infrastructure.