TON analysis, how to layout to get 3-5 times the bottoming return!

1. This coin ecology has a great trend of relaying the popularity of the sol ecology this year, but the volume is not comparable at present, but because of this, there is still room for subsequent growth

2. At this moment, the trend is 1h/2h/4h level bullish trend, daily K bearish trend, that is, there is a need for short-term pullback, and there is still a need for medium and long-term retracement

3. Support 6.4/5.75/5.55/4.7/2.8 pressure 7.3/8.3

4. This coin should be able to go up to 10/15 or even 20 dollars, but at present, such momentum is not available. If it can be in a high position for a long time, it will be beneficial to its ecological development

5. The support level of this coin can be used as a batch layout point for long-term spot. Don’t fantasize about short-term for this coin, just take the long-term, such as low-absorption average price control 3-5, the mad bull has the opportunity to get 3-5 times the bottoming return!
