Can you make money pretending to be a foreigner?

Register an account on major dating platforms, especially Xiaohongshu, which has the most fairies. Disguise the account information as Laohei, and then use the locator to locate the account in various first-tier cities. The first short article can be published as "I came to China with my uncle or studied abroad. China is very beautiful. I love China. I hope to make good friends in China." Then add a handsome photo of Laoheizi. In the future, as long as you publish dynamics, you will instantly get 99+.

So whether the farm tool sign is better or the tool is more useful, we can't tell.

It is said that there are not only friend requests from Huakai Fugui, but also CP requests from people under 18, and even couples invite you to visit their homes. Even a pervert would think it's perverted, but this is not the point. The point is to create a WeChat business circle of friends with the persona of a black overseas student, and then find the kind of products with foreign words that no one cares about from 1688 and sell them to the innocent. This set of operations is both hard and tiring, and the profit is only 100 times.

Oh, and one more thing, you have to find a poor foreigner to cooperate with real name, otherwise it will be embarrassing to see **biao when transferring money. Bah, it's really conscienceless. Money can be earned again if it's lost, but if conscience is lost, it's more difficult to save it. So have you learned this set of sewing machine entry skills?