In 2024, the countdown to the US election is 100 days

Vance is lagging behind, and Trump's approval rating has dropped to 36%

Harris's approval rating has risen to 43%, and she may become the first female president in the history of the United States.

In the crypto market, Harris' attitude towards cryptocurrency has never been public. Maybe in this way, the bull market is over, and we need to wait until the next round of bull market rises!

But no matter what, whether you are in a bull market or a bear market, as long as you catch the trend, it is a bull market!

If you catch the downward trend, you can still turn over!

Whether the bull market is over or not, no matter who is elected president of the United States, we still have to be prepared, that is, to buy the bottom and enter the market and ambush in advance!

At present, Ang Ge suggests that the only projects worth ambush are Solana ecology and meme sector.

Now it seems that the projects of BTB ecology are not very optimistic.

In short, there are many opportunities, and only by seizing the opportunities can you succeed.