According to my "short-ranged" poll some Days ago, the european fellows, i reach have a very splitted opinion on the restrictions from July 1st. Even they fine or they think it´s a nightmare, most of them seem to think. And my sentiments are the same.

My Poll some Days ago

On the one side i think, it doesnt matter, for example while trading.

On the other it´s a nightmare, for example in case of my #Zerotoherochallenge -> Why?

Because more than a half of the input which i could generate for that with #redpacketgiveawaycampaign is lost. That´s sad🤯

Who it works with the challenge i tell you in a few Days, because first i have to share with you some thoughts tomorrow.

Means: Why the European countries act so much different like the US ( and mostly the rest of the world), when crypto and decentralisation comes on the plan. 🤔