Trump gave a speech at Bitcoin2024 today, which was met with applause and cheers. This article summarizes and analyzes the main points of his speech.


📜 Policy related:

1. If elected, he said he would fire Gary Gensler on his first day in office!

2. A "Bitcoin/Crypto Presidential Advisory Committee" will be established in the future to formulate clear and friendly crypto regulatory policies.

3. The United States currently owns more than 200,000 bitcoins, 1% of the total supply, which will never be sold (mainly seized through various law enforcement operations)

PS: The scale is far beyond that of German counterparts, and we even vaguely expect that more crypto criminals will be caught by the United States?

4. These US-held bitcoins will become part of the strategic national bitcoin stockpile

PS: Although he did not say as radically as RFK JR that the United States would buy Bitcoin, this is also impressive. Among all the presidents, Trump is one who attaches more importance to pre-election promises.

5. Central bank digital currency (CBDC) will never be implemented

6. Instead, they strongly support stablecoins to consolidate the dollar's hegemony

7. PS: If USDC or even USDT is endorsed by the future US president and becomes more legal and compliant, there will be many more people in the world involved in cryptocurrency, because it is an important channel for depositing funds.

8. Create more Bitcoin/crypto jobs in the US so they stop leaving the US

PS: Lisbon, Singapore, Bahamas, Hong Kong, Dubai, Thailand: slowly type a question mark.

🪙 Bitcoin related views:

9. He will make America and Bitcoin great together

10. The United States wants to become the capital of crypto capital and a Bitcoin superpower

11. The United States will lead Bitcoin to the moon

12. The crypto industry is to the steel industry 100 years ago.

13. Cryptocurrency market capitalization has surpassed silver, and we hope to overtake gold one day

14. Bitcoin is a miracle of cooperation and human achievement.

15. Bitcoin is free (and he supports freedom)

PS: Previously, Vitalik believed that we should not support someone as president just because he is a crypto supporter. But if Trump truly understands the essence of "Bitcoin is freedom", he is worthy of support.

16. Trump said that many people do not pay enough attention to inflation, but Bitcoiners are very sensitive

👨‍💼 Personal information:

17. Trump himself is the first US president to support crypto donations

18. Emphasize: We love crypto

19. Mentioned that he communicated with many geniuses in the crypto industry

PS: Thanks to the personal preaching of these crypto giants behind the scenes, Trump’s understanding of Bitcoin is indeed much higher than when he judged it back then.

20. Trump did not launch any new wars during his tenure, and he will maintain this philosophy if he takes office again.

21. We are now extremely close to World War III, and he will prevent it from happening.

22. Trump said that when he was in office, Bitcoin rose from 800+ USD to 35,000+ USD, an increase of nearly 40x

PS: Of course this is not his achievement, but at least he did not create any resistance

23. Trump himself is more opposed to "woke culture"

24. Ma supported him and donated tens of millions of dollars to his campaign

PS: Ma himself hates woke, and made his eldest son transgender

🇨🇳 China related:

25. China is making rapid progress in encryption, but the United States must take the lead in the encryption industry and surpass China.

26. The United States will create lower electricity and energy and become a Bitcoin mining powerhouse

PS: This is in stark contrast to us, who actually restricted Bitcoin mining in order to save electricity/reduce carbon emissions.

🫏Democratic Party related:

27. Think Harris is anti-cryptocurrency and created a crypto disaster

28. Suggesting that Harris has a low IQ, while Bitcoiners have high IQs

PS: A scene like a meme picture appeared

29. Jokingly, if the Democratic Party had been chosen, many people attending the meeting today would have been arrested!

30. If Trump is elected, he will personally end the crypto disaster brought by the Democrats

Trump had a loud voice and sharp opinions, and he spoke eloquently for an hour, which was indeed in stark contrast to Biden, who just dropped out of the election.

At the same time, we look forward to the new atmosphere that Trump will bring to the Bitcoin and encryption industry if he really has the opportunity to enter the Oval Office.

Author of this article:

0xTodd | Nothing Research Partner