there’s no such thing as a perfect speech. especially when we’re talking about politics.

trump’s speech was no different; simple, covering a lot of ground yet superficial.

but he did touch on all the major important points.

hold bitcoin, free ross, increase energy production, nix the harmful stance towards crypto, boost innovation.

did you hope he would bring a core dev level of understanding to the table? or libertarian ideals?

remove any expectations you may have had and see how this marks a watershed moment in the industry.

i am no trump supporter or of any politician for that matter. but i can recognize good effort when i see one.

even though trump may not see this industry as highly as he claimed, he knows he can’t afford to ignore it and is better off going out of his way to not only make amends but fight for our niche industry that was born just 15 years ago.

and that is enough.