With the value of cryptos on the rise, Binance demystifies doubts that keep investors away from the market.

The world's largest brokerage has reinforced initiatives to clarify misconceptions related to cryptocurrencies

The year 2023 has been very positive for those who invest in crypto assets. The main digital currency, Bitcoin, went from a level of US$16 thousand at the beginning of the year to close to US$35 thousand at the end of October. Anyone who bought Bitcoin at the turn of the year has already doubled the investment made. But an even larger portion of investors are outside this market because they believe in false beliefs involving the security and functioning of digital assets.

Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, has done an important job of identifying and dispelling misconceptions related to the topic.

The brokerage's focus is on investor education. “Addressing misperceptions and harmful perceptions is an essential component of advancing knowledge about cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Therefore, we at Binance set out to identify and eliminate the most common ones”, comments Guilherme Nazar, general director of the broker in Brazil.

For the executive, ensuring that quality information circulates is also the role of companies that operate in this market segment. “One of the pillars of our work is education, which Binance offers free of charge, on various Web3 and economic topics, in several languages, including Brazilian Portuguese. This shows our commitment to the user and to the long-term sustainable development of the industry.”