In the next week, I look forward to the Fed's interest rate meeting.

Let's see how the Fed will cut interest rates this time.

Two ways of cutting interest rates: defensive and active, with different results

Defensive represents a hard landing of the US economy

Active cuts represent a soft landing of the US economy.

And most of the interest rate cuts in history were defensive cuts.

The characteristic of this type is that it has a great impact on the economy, so defensive cuts bring a big plunge of more than half a year to the risk market, and then there will be a big bull.

The whole process is faster than the interest rate hike cycle.

So, for the current state of US economic data, it is not bad enough to collapse, so if there is a real interest rate cut in September, it may be an active cut.

Observation: eth, btc, stmx, ena, coti, rss3, cvx...

The time has not come yet. I will talk about it when it comes. Follow me for details👈

If you like spot or contracts, get on the car of the Great Sage.

The market is temporarily stable, and the news is very important.

The Great Sage has recently ambushed a potential coin,

Leave below: 68.

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