• Donald Trump took the stage at the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville and delighted everyone with his vision for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are going to take off like never before, more than you could ever expect. Because as America thrives, bitcoin will grow and evolve with it.

President Trump noted that #bitcoin #rose 3,900% during his four years in office, rising from $898 at the beginning of his term to $35,900 at the end. This growth was one of the most significant in any industry. By comparison, under the Biden and Harris administrations, bitcoin's inflation-adjusted growth rate was only 50% in three and a half years. While 50% is usually an impressive figure, it pales in comparison to the nearly 4,000% rate.

Many Americans are unaware that the U. S. government is one of the largest holders of bitcoins. Who knows that the federal government owns about 210,000 bitcoins, or 1% of all bitcoins that will ever exist? But for too long, our government has broken a cardinal rule that all bitcoiners know by heart.

As part of my plan, I will announce that if elected, my administration will adopt a policy of 100% ownership of all bitcoins now owned or to be acquired in the future by the U. S. government. This will form the basis of a strategic national bitcoin reserve. Most of the bitcoins currently owned by the government were obtained through law enforcement and often confiscated from individuals. The country is heading toward a fascist regime.

he assured voters that he would be a president who would support the innovation and bitcoin that the US needs and would help the bitcoin industry thrive along with all other industries. Mr. Trump said the U. S. has never prospered by censoring new ideas and abandoning dreams, and urged the country to continue to move forward boldly.

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