📱 Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about the latest developments of Polygon, a hot topic in the crypto world! Messari released the Polygon 2024 Q2 report on July 28, which is rich in content and has many highlights. Let's take a look!

First of all, Polygon's daily active addresses reached 1.2 million, a month-on-month increase of 47.6%! This means that more and more people are starting to use the Polygon network, and the average daily transaction volume has also reached 4.1 million, a month-on-month increase of 3.9%. It seems that Polygon's popularity is rising!

Next, the gaming field is still Polygon's strength. The leading position in Q1 2024 continued in Q2. It seems that gamers have a special liking for Polygon!

Let's talk about transaction fees. The average transaction fee of Polygon PoS has dropped to US$0.01, a month-on-month decrease of 41.1%. This is undoubtedly good news for users. The transaction cost is lower, and everyone can trade with more confidence!

It is worth mentioning that Polygon has implemented EIP-4844 on the Q1 2024 mainnet, a move that further improves the efficiency and security of the network.

Not to be outdone, Polygon Labs has integrated zkVM SP1 built on Plonky3 to generate pessimistic proofs for AggLayer to ensure the security of cross-chain asset transfers. This technology sounds a bit complicated, but in simple terms, it makes our asset transfers more secure and reliable!

There is also a big news! Polygon has launched a $1 billion Community Grant Program (CGP) to support developers and projects in the Polygon ecosystem. Over the next decade, CGP will distribute 100 million POL tokens per year, which is undoubtedly a huge incentive for developers!

Finally, Polygon announced a partnership with Aragon to develop the Polygon Governance Center as a step towards decentralization. This will be a full-stack governance solution that focuses on the two pillars of Polygon governance: protocol governance and system smart contract governance. The future of decentralized governance is worth looking forward to!

In general, Polygon has made a lot of progress in the second quarter of 2024, showing strong vitality and potential in terms of user growth, technological innovation and community support. What do you think of these new developments? Welcome to share your views and questions in the comments section and discuss together! 😊

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