A Dark Secret About Money That 99% of People Don't Know about:

Your whole life you're working a job and Trading your time for money.

But have you ever asked yourself how money is created?

For 12 months I worked as an investment banker and I learnt all the secrets the public doesn't know!

And you might get shocked about the truth...

First of all: money=currency.

Money is an intangible store of value. Think of gold, silver, platin, rice, salt etc.

Currency is a tangible form of money

Instead of trading silver for salt, you can buy salt with currency.

Now here's why that's important:

Before 1971, the central banks could only print as much currency as they had gold to back it up.

But it 1971, the US dollar has been removed from the gold standard.

Since then, currency has been backed by nothing (worthless)

Today, banks can print as much currency as they want.

Now here's the 2nd thing you need to understand:

Currency in the form of paper & coins only makes up 3% of the world's money.

The other 97%? It's debt.

Let me explain:

Imagine you want to buy a house.

A bank gives you a $500k mortgage.

that $500k didn't exist before. They simply "created" it by typing a few numbers on the screen.

So when you get a loan, you get money that has been created out of thin air.

Now, why is that important to know?

When the government needs money,

they go to the central bank and ask for a loan.

The central bank gives them money created out of thin air, in exchange for government bonds.

This newly created money floods the system and devalues the existing money


Why am I telling you this?

You are getting wrecked.

While you're working hard to save money, the banks are printing it and ruining your savings.

The bankers atre making millions while you're working for a tiny amount of


So what can you do?

Bitcoin is the solution

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