Saturday, Bitcoin, Ethereum, operation strategy analysis!

After a busy week, it's time to stop and take a break. This week is unusual. There are many news, and there are often washouts. The ETF launch failed to pull up, and the Bitcoin conference failed to run as expected. After a week of fluctuations, looking back, the position is still at 67,800. Many partners are starting to have a headache again. "Isn't this the position on Monday? Why didn't the position move? I was washed out."

This week we have been more careful all the way, and the layout is not perfect. Pie took 10,500 and Ethereum 730 points. They were washed out on Thursday and Friday. Fortunately, we turned around in time. Regardless of the past, fearless of the future is the nature of people in the currency circle. Roll up your sleeves and work hard. Remember that there will always be a bowl of dumplings to eat. There will always be a trend that you will step on. Keep your heart and come on! Friends who are really not good at it, you can change a big tree to lean on!

Today, in the short term, the daily chart has a big positive rising and stabilizing above the moving average, accompanied by a long lower shadow recorded on Thursday, and a bottom pin appears, suggesting a reversal signal light. Looking back at its recent trend this month, it fell 5.5 to stop the decline and rebounded to 6.8 in one breath, and the two cars pulled up. When the emotions of the two parties got on the train, it fell to 6.3 again. The market released the head, which made the buyers afraid and dared not get on the train. Then the big positive rose to 6.8, making the market feel that it was adjusting and that the price would go down. If you are a line drawer, will you also take advantage of the fact that the two trains are not moving, and the chips of the lower side are dense, and directly add full power and run fast?

This is the analysis, so the trend is still the two, the overnight rebound of 68,000, although there is a retracement, but the strength is not great, and it quickly closed above it. At this stage, it is eager to try 68,500, and it will be 70,000 across. Suddenly, a wave of news rushed up in the past two days. In terms of short-term operations, continue to deal with the rebound pattern! Ethereum is still selling, wait for the end of the run, and focus on the big cake!

Saturday thinking strategy

Big cake, 67100-400, guard against 66700, watch 69200

Ether, 3220 area, guard against 3170, watch 3300

Wish you all the best, happy weekend, don't be good at short-term, don't be sure of the trend, and identify the thinking!

$BTC $ETH $BNB #比特币大会 #美国PCE通胀放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?