Many people think he is a madman, but he is just lucky, just happened to encounter the 519 incident, and then he treats money as nothing, and he makes a fortune again and again, creating a legend in the cryptocurrency circle. Some people say he is a genius, with an average of 1,500 transactions a week, one transaction every 5 minutes except for sleeping time, and a 60-fold leverage, turning 1,000 yuan into 40 million, creating another miracle in the cryptocurrency circle. Others say he is a pitiful person, without the love of his parents, beaten by his own father, and cheated by his brother's girlfriend.

Entered the cryptocurrency circle at the age of 17 and became a god in one battle

When most people were in high school, Liang Xi used his father's ID card and bank card to open his first cryptocurrency trading account. That year, 2020, the cryptocurrency circle encountered a major black swan 519 incident. He used a hundred times leverage to short sell, and in just one month, he made 20 million from 1,000 yuan. There are many monsters in the cryptocurrency circle. As a famous saying in the cryptocurrency circle, we are all afraid of pyramid schemers. But he became a god in one battle that year, and his assets increased tens of thousands of times. No matter what he said or what others said, I personally think it is very painful for a young person to achieve such a great achievement, let alone in such a circle.

Noble character

No matter what, Liang Xi is a kind-hearted person. He gives fans tens of thousands of red envelopes casually. When it comes to donations, he has never been vague. He never blinks an eye when it comes to millions of dollars. Some people may say that he doesn't take money seriously, but I personally think that he is from an ordinary family at the beginning, not a rich second generation, and he is not unaware of the importance of money. But when facing black fans, he will not be soft-hearted. He will criticize everything and bombard the black fans like a mouth cannon.

Poor and even sad environment

He doesn't have many friends. As mentioned earlier, his bank card belonged to his father, and he had a bad relationship with his father. Later, he kept blowing up his positions and asked his father for money, but his father refused to give it to him. Later, a father-son relationship was staged. He scolded his father and his father beat him. His love also made everyone in the cryptocurrency circle explode. His girlfriend even accompanied him to drink and let him play contracts, and he also asked fans to support his girlfriend's work. He has many fans, but even more black fans. Although he scolded him back and forth on the surface, he thought about suicide many times. To be honest, he was very painful to live. He was cheated of money by his only big brother, beaten by his own father, and cheated by a woman.

The Fall of God

In the second half of 2021, Bitcoin rose, but Liang Xi, who misjudged the direction this time, suffered a liquidation. Then, he was liquidated in all his purchases, and owed tens of millions of foreign debts. In 2022, Liang Xi borrowed money from various cryptocurrency masters. In October, Justin Sun and Huobi founder Du Jun announced that they would each provide Liang Xi with $50,000 in trading funds unconditionally so that he could open an order on Huobi Live Contract. Although it attracted a lot of popularity, his assets returned to zero soon after. Later, there was the recent incident of drinking pesticides that was widely circulated on the Internet.

Liang Xi's Autobiography

I sleep less than 5 hours a day, practice sports, play games, and do transactions. No matter what I do, I am not the best. I have no talent. I have put in many times more effort than others. In the early days of surviving in society, I lost money and owed money by playing contracts. After I made money, I have not slept more than 5 hours a day. You think I rely on luck. Remember one thing, the money I earned by luck, I lost it long ago.

I saw those people mocking me, saying that they have been playing for several years but are still not as good as an 18-year-old kid. I felt very uncomfortable when I heard such words. Although I am only 18 years old, I am equivalent to being over 40 years old. I don’t even sleep every day. I have put in a lot of effort. #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #山寨季何时到来? #美国PCE数据将公布 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BTC $ETH $BNB