AOS Web innovates UX/UI on the permaweb, providing user-centric features such as process management, command autocompletion, and task tracking. Built on React, TypeScript, and Vite, the platform has efficient performance and scalability, and aims to inspire developers with its advanced architecture and future potential.

By Aisha Adekunle

Translation: Wang Shaohua

Review: mingche

Source: Content Guild - Translation

AOS Web announced that it has innovated UX/UI on permaweb. This innovation will completely change the design of UX/UI on permaweb, integrating functionality with inspiration. Key features include saving AO processes, automatically completing commands, and tracking task progress. The project's structured framework leverages React, TypeScript, and Vite to ensure efficiency and scalability. In addition, it strengthens the ESLint configuration to make it closer to the needs of production applications, emphasizing TypeScript support and strict type checking. AOS Web not only improves user productivity, but also inspires the innovation enthusiasm of permaweb developers and sets new standards for Web applications.

Aiming to push the boundaries of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design on the permaweb, AOS Web launched this project that blends functionality with inspiration. This innovative and user-friendly project introduces several key features designed to improve user productivity and usability. Developers use AOS to build and interact on the AO platform. Now, accessing and managing AOS is easier than ever! Use your @arconnectio wallet directly on the web, aoThecomputer also tweeted about it.

“We developed AOS Web with the goal of attracting more users to experience the permaweb by making it more interesting and engaging in terms of UX/UI,” the developers said. The platform has a host of user-centric features that promise to simplify user interactions and redefine the way tasks are managed online. Standout features highlighted by the team include process management, command auto-completion, and task tracking.

Users can not only save their AO processes, but also track ongoing tasks and work progress through a control center. AOS web simplifies user interaction by automatically completing common commands, reducing user cognitive burden and improving efficiency. In addition, the platform has the function of tracking available tasks, ensuring that users are always aware of pending tasks and goals.

AOS Web architecture has excellent performance and scalability. The main modules (such as data_component, layouts, terminas, modals, and views) give users powerful functions. It uses React, TypeScript, and Vite to bring users a faster experience, and integrates @vitejs/plugins to implement functions such as hot module replacement (HMR). ESLint configuration (including @typescript-eslint/recommended-type-checked) provides optimized support for TypeScript, which is suitable for production-level applications. AOS Web aims to inspire the permaweb development community with its smooth UX/UI and efficient task management, positioning itself as a leader in web application development.

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