Odaily Planet Daily News: Telegram CEO Pavel Durov recently said that 2024 is expected to be a key year for blockchain adoption. "2024 will go down in history as the year when hundreds of millions of people became familiar with blockchain. We are proud that Telegram is at the center of this social change." Durov further revealed: "We will also step up efforts to crack down on scammers targeting new users in the crypto field. Soon, Telegram will begin to display the registration month and major countries of public accounts (similar to Instagram). We will also allow organizations to use their mini-programs to post tags for channels, creating a decentralized market for third-party verification." (Bitcoin.com) Earlier, Telegram announced plans to strengthen blockchain-related initiatives, including the launch of a mini app store and an in-app browser that supports Web3 pages. Telegram founder Pavel Durov also posted in his Telegram channel that a mini app store and an in-app browser that supports Web3 pages will be launched this month.