I didn't plan to take the solv from that exchange, but this time is different.

You can take the solv from the second exchange in the universe. Did the solv project team have a brain drain? They gave 150,000 solv to Binance and 12.6 million solv to the second exchange in the universe. Binance gets 1.6 solv per person, and there get 200 per person? Currently, 60,000 people are doing the task. Even if the number of people increases 10 times in the end, 600,000 people can still get 20 per person.

Treat Binance users as slaves?


X said that the total amount of solv coins has increased by 84 times, and Binance's is the number before the update. Binance's 150,000 has become 15x84=12.6 million. Binance's 1.6 corresponds to 130, which is reasonable. OK currently has 200 per person, but given his nature, there is no limit on wallets. The studio took so much and finally 20 per person. I don't recommend taking it.