Can you really get rich by speculating in cryptocurrencies?

If you only have 1,000 yuan, or RMB, and you invest in stocks, and you make ten times in a year, that's a lot, right? How many people can do it ten times in a year? But what can you do? It's only 10,000 yuan

But if you speculate in cryptocurrencies, most likely, you will lose everything in 3 days, and there is a small probability that you will get rich

Why? Because there is leverage, and if you have enough knowledge, 1,000 yuan is your chance to turn things around

Most people regard contracts as poison, but they don't know the importance of lack of knowledge. If you are an ordinary person who doesn't play contracts, can you get rich by hoarding Bitcoin?

Contracts are not scary. Find the bottom to open a position. Before opening a position, you must calculate how much loss the stop loss can bear. If it's right, hold it, if it's wrong, stop loss, do it repeatedly, and making money is that simple.

Many people regard contracts as poison because they regard contracts as tools for casinos. Remember, brothers, we are speculators, not gamblers

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