Spot trading skills and market knowledge in the cryptocurrency circle


Beginners often like to compare the stock market with the spot market when entering the market, and then use this as a trading criterion. In fact, the significance of the spot market in spot trading is not the most important, because the volume changes are not very important during the transaction. Of course, some indicators are still worth our careful consideration, and they are proposed here to guide everyone in real trading.


Commission ratio and commission difference


Commission difference: the sum of the current buying volume of a certain variety minus the sum of the selling volume. Reflects the power comparison between buyers and sellers. Positive numbers mean that the head side is stronger, and negative numbers mean that the selling pressure is heavier.


Commission ratio: the ratio of the difference between the buying and selling volume of a certain variety on the same day and the total amount. The commission ratio is an indicator to measure the relative strength of the buying and selling orders in a certain period of time. Its calculation formula is:


Commission ratio = (buy commission number minus sell commission number) 1 (buy commission number minus sell commission number) x 100% Buy commission number: the total number of all current buy orders for the lower five levels,


Sell commission number: the total number of all current sell orders for the upper five levels The commission ratio varies from -100% to +100%. When the commission ratio is -100%, it means there are only sell orders but no front orders, indicating that the market's selling orders are very large: when the commission ratio is +100%, it means there are only front orders but no sell orders, indicating that the front orders in the market are very strong. When the commission ratio is negative, the sell orders are larger than the buy orders; and when the commission ratio is zero, it means that the buy orders are larger than the sell orders. The change of the commission ratio from -100% to +100% is a process in which the sell orders gradually weaken and the buy orders gradually become stronger.

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