Odaily Planet Daily News According to official news, Lista DAO announced the launch of veLISTA and veToken governance models. LISTA is the governance token of LISTA DAO, which is distributed to users who participate in various protocol activities. Users can actively participate in protocol governance, including initiating proposals and voting, by locking LISTA to mint veLISTA (locking period is up to 52 weeks). At the same time, users holding veLISTA are eligible to receive a portion of the protocol revenue based on the number of positions held. Lista DAO's sources of income include early claim fees from LISTA, lisUSD mining (coming soon) and borrowing fees, and ETH withdrawal fees; Lista DAO's costs include lisUSD staking pool, Risk Buffer Fund and operating expenses. Lista DAO said it aims to use LISTA to establish an open and transparent decision-making process and use community governance to drive the operation of LISTA DAO. To achieve this goal, it will gradually transfer decision-making power to the community to ensure a fully decentralized and authorized governance model.