When the market fluctuates, people are talking about it: Grayscale's selling triggered an outflow of funds on the first day of the ETF, Musk's changing of his profile picture became a new focus, and the progress of Mt.Gox's compensation caused heated discussions, and the movement of BTC held by the US government also attracted much attention.

However, another voice sounded: the expectation of interest rate cuts in the fourth quarter is clear, which is regarded as a major positive for the market; Trump's election situation has reappeared variables, affecting the market's optimism; Mt.Gox's compensation is dispersed, and market pressure may be controllable; the German government's BTC sales have been completed, and the market impact has gradually dissipated; the BTC conference is approaching, and we look forward to good news from the industry.

Behind the rise and fall, there are different explanations. The current market news is complicated and there is no clear single trend. Blindly following the news often lags behind market changes, and it is difficult to say that the strategy is efficient.

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