The old lady going down the stairs is just a guess, look at it rationally

Whether there will be a big waterfall is crucial this week!

The Vegas Tunnel on the contract is entangled with the moving averages. It is clearly not suitable for trading. However, it should be noted that the 12-day moving average must return to the channel. These moving averages will reopen the direction. Here, the Vegas Tunnel on futures is more inclined to bulls, but it is still considered that the 12-day moving average must return to the channel.

So it can be judged that the market must have a wave of shorts, which is what I mentioned last week. The 5000-8000 point short can release the short energy completely.

If it goes down here, the ladder downward is basically established.

Then let’s first say that if you break through and stabilize 67,600, you can continue to be bullish. If it stabilizes upward at 67,800, there is basically no big problem for bulls. However, if it retreats below 66,300, you must give up the long position.

Now let’s say that I prefer the short position. The best first position for shorting is around 67,600. The stop loss can be 69,000.

Then the second position is 66,300 and the third position is 63,865. The target is around 58,800.

Of course, the ladder downward may not be established. It may directly go vertically downward. If the market goes down again after a break, even the short position is not established and the market will directly return to bullish fluctuations.

So we should make orders in a planned way. If our plan is wrong, the market will tell us, and we should adjust the direction in time. Don’t be reckless and stop loss in time and strictly implement it.

Even if our plan is right, we should follow the market situation. Don’t look too far ahead. It’s meaningless.

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