BTC came from a place where nobody gave a damn, it cost cents of dollars and today it is the most desired currency in the world, then came ETH and several other currencies that were worth nothing and today in 2024 they are worth everything. Think with me, if a currency that no one knows who created is worth hundreds of dollars, why can't NUCOIN, which comes from a company like NUBANK, be decentralized tomorrow?? even if it remains centralized today it is worth less than 7 cents and if one day it is remodeled to be traded on large brokers like #Binance you could be holding digital gold in your hand because this currency, even centralized, could rise to a peak of mid-20 cents.

I'm not making purchase recommendations, but one would think that you would go to sleep, and when you woke up, you would be possibly off the peak, which could change your life. btc eth until yesterday were nothing and today they are everything.

#defi #ETH 4515313294#nu#nubank