Why are most people in the currency circle not suitable for direct contract trading?

In the currency circle, contract trading is often seen as a "shortcut" to get rich quickly, but in fact, this is not suitable for most people. This is mainly because most people are eager for success and are eager to accumulate wealth quickly, but ignore the risks.

Most participants in the currency circle are salaried workers with limited funds, and often come in with the dream of "turning over". They hope to use a small amount of money to quickly increase their value through contract trading. However, contract trading is extremely risky, and market fluctuations may cause investors to suffer heavy losses in an instant, or even lose all their money.

In contrast, although holding spot has slow returns, it has lower risks. However, for salaried workers, even if the spot doubles, it may not be enough to completely change their lives. Moreover, holding spot requires patience and determination, and it is also a challenge for many people not to be easily shaken in the face of market fluctuations.

Therefore, for investors with limited funds, if they cannot bear the high risks of contract trading, they may consider other more stable investment methods. Of course, it does not mean that contracts cannot be touched at all, but they should be viewed rationally and not regarded as the key to getting rich overnight.

In the cryptocurrency circle, many people have experience in contract trading. Some will advise novices to be cautious, and more will remind everyone to have awe for the entire cryptocurrency market.

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