Debox must issue a coin in the third quarter. It cannot be delayed any further.

I have participated in two good projects that were delayed. One is Lifeform. It was very popular at the time and had a good relationship with Binance. It was delayed for two years. Now it has hastily issued a coin without any popularity. It is not listed on major exchanges. There is no liquidity and the coins cannot be sold. It is basically equal to zero.

Another one is the .bit domain name. It was also very popular at the time. It raised 13 million US dollars. It added several new partners every month. The project was profitable for a long time. It was delayed for several years. Now it has not issued a coin and has no popularity. It is basically useless.

Debox has been delayed for 3 quarters. It cannot be delayed any further. If it is pushed further, no one will be interested. This is not a joke. These are just two that I have been deeply involved in. There are many more that I have witnessed. If it is delayed for too long, it will die and cannot form a positive cycle.