Summary of July 22:

The overnight downward spike stopped at 65777, then rebounded upward, and reached the high of 68474 in the morning, and then gave a shock downward structure trend. In the afternoon, the spike fell below the position near 67000, and then formed a second upward surge at the position near 68000, which was suppressed and unable to break through, and then fell back downward. The overall performance of the day was a shock downward structure trend. Wei Yi's overnight low-long took the rise as expected, so in the day's high-altitude low-long, the big cake took a total of more than 3900 points of space, and the concubine took more than 190 points of space, while the short-term big cake and small bamboo shoots had more than 800 points of space, and the concubine had 40 points of space. The idea of ​​the day was roughly the same as Wei Yi's. Although the small bamboo shoots appeared, it did not affect Wei Yi's layout.

In terms of trend, from the current structural trend, after the afternoon, it fell back to 67,000 and then jumped down around 67,000. From the 4h level line, the Bollinger Bands began to slowly close upward, and the large K-line trend provided strong support from the upper rail to the middle rail area. The performance in the afternoon gave a large range of 68,000-66,000. 66,000 is also the critical point of the long-short dividing line, so 66,000 can be supported in the evening. If it breaks below 66,000 and continues, it can also give the possibility of continued decline. Therefore, from the performance of the day, the main retracement and adjustment is still the main trend. Combining the above views, you can continue to look up.

Big Pie Idea: More around 66500, target 68500

Empress Idea: More around 3430, target 3550$BTC $ETH #拜登退选 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #币安HODLer空投BANANA #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国PCE数据将公布