The total transfer amount is the sum of the transfer values ​​of the core tokens of the TRON network, demonstrating the huge on-chain demand for TRON.

Thanks to the increasingly prosperous on-chain ecosystem, the user scale and network activity of TRON have steadily increased in recent years, and the total amount of transfers has also continued to grow. As of now, the cumulative number of transfers of TRON has reached 6.21 billion, with a total transfer amount of nearly 13 trillion US dollars. In the past 30 days, the average daily transfer amount of core tokens on the TRON network has reached 14.2 billion US dollars, among which the transfer of TRON version USDT occupies a dominant position.

With the mission of building the Metaverse Financial Free Port, in the future, TRON will accelerate its reach to global users, allowing people in different regions to enjoy the convenient and efficient services brought by blockchain.