Trump's failed Bitcoin ban revealed: Mnuchin turned the tide, and cryptocurrency became a new battlefield for the election!

Shocking revelation in the financial world! Mike Brock, CEO of TBD under Block Inc., boldly broke the news on Twitter: In 2020, President Trump conspired to ban Bitcoin, but failed due to the firm opposition of former Treasury Secretary Mnuchin! This insider exposure instantly ignited the hot discussion in the cryptocurrency community.

Trump, the former "mortal enemy" of digital assets, has now transformed himself and become the "new darling" of the crypto industry. However, industry experts such as Brock are skeptical about this, pointing out that Trump's support for cryptocurrency is nothing more than a bargaining chip for re-election. Once he enters the White House, his promise may be empty.

At the upcoming Bitcoin conference, Trump will personally take the stage, and cryptocurrency will officially enter the center of the campaign stage. However, the motives and truth behind this are thought-provoking. Is Trump's change of speech just a stopgap measure for politicians? Where will the future of cryptocurrency go? Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--972331171

In this intertwined game of politics and finance, cryptocurrency is no longer a marginalized existence. From poll data to official policies, from Silicon Valley elites to ordinary voters, cryptocurrency is gradually becoming a key factor affecting the direction of the election. And Trump's speech will undoubtedly add more suspense and variables to this drama.

Who is behind the scenes manipulating the changes in cryptocurrency? How will Trump's campaign strategy affect the future direction of cryptocurrency? Everything will be revealed at the upcoming Bitcoin Conference! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #山寨季何时到来? #美联储何时降息? #德国政府转移比特币 $BOND $BETA $TIA