Currently, the President of United States of America, Joe Biden, has withdrawn from the election to be held in November 2024. Now it has to be seen who among them, Kamla Harris from the Democrat Party and Donald Trump, who is from the Republican Party, will win the election of 2024 November. Because recently a news has come that if Donald Trump wins the election then he will implement the PROJECT-2025 in America. It is being said that the PROJECT-2025 will bring dictatorship in America.

Project 2025: A wish list for a Trump presidency, explained

Ahead of each presidential election, many think tanks in Washington DC release policy wishlists. As the campaign heats up, these proposals can act as talking points for candidates, and perhaps even shape their official party platforms.

The Conservative Promise is one such policy wishlist, which lays out ambitious ideas for a prospective Trump presidency. It is published by Project 2025, which is “a broad coalition of conservative organisations that have come together to ensure a successful administration begins in January 2025”.

Project 2025 has also set up a personnel database which will help the future president make administrative appointments, a training programme to develop future conservative leaders, and “a 180-day playbook”, which presents a blueprint for the first six months of the next presidency.

“If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration. This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project,” the project’s website reads.

Why is Project 2025 controversial?

Simply put, Project 2025’s policy agenda takes some extreme positions.

  • It advocates expanding the president’s powers, and concentrating decision-making authority in the White House. Conversely, it argues for drastically reducing the power, and cutting the funding, of various federal administrative departments. Among its notable recommendations is to “disband” the Department of Education.

  • Project 2025 calls for the reclassification of tens of thousands of federal workers — possibly the most dramatic change in the federal workforce since the 1880s. This will allow the president to appoint loyalists who side with him, and his administration.

  • The policy document calls for a “biblically based” definition of marriage and family, which it clarifies means “heterosexual, intact marriage”. It also pushes a number of anti-LGBTQ+ positions, such as rescinding federal anti-discrimination protections “on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics”.

  • On reproductive rights, Project 2025 advocates the prosecution of people who send abortion pills through the mail, the cancellation of the Food and Drug Authority’s two-decade-old approval of mifepristone, one of the two drugs used in medication abortion, and the federal tracking of abortion-seekers using “every available tool”.

  • The policy document recommends “unwinding
 the Biden Administration’s climate fanaticism”. For example, it recommends ending wind and solar power subsidies, scrapping energy-efficiency standards for appliances, prioritising the use of fossils, and dismantling the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Clean Energy Corps.

  • Project 2025 calls to expand on Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration during his previous term. For instance, it advocates for higher thresholds for accepting immigrants and refugees, and increasing the amount of time undocumented children can spend in the detention centres.

Who is behind Project 2025?

Project 2025 is spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, a Washington DC-based conservative think tank. Heritage platforms researchers and analysts from a wide range of fields, who — according to the organisation’s website — seeks solutions to “protect America’s future”.

“From empowering parents in education, reversing growing spending and inflation, and protecting the unborn, to securing America’s borders, countering the threat of Communist China, holding Big Tech accountable, and ensuring free and fair elections — Heritage is on the front lines in the fight to help Americans thrive,” the foundation’s website says.

Heritage has been publishing the Mandate for Leadership series since 1981. Each publication coincides with a presidential election, and offers specific conservative policy recommendations for the federal government. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump, the Mandate series has been highly influential in guiding Republican presidents’ actions. According to Heritage’s website, Trump “embraced nearly two-thirds of Heritage’s proposals within just one year in office” including leaving the Paris Climate Accords, increasing military spending, and increasing off-shore drilling.

Project 2025 builds off Heritage’s Mandate series, collaborating with more than 100 other conservative organisations. These include the Center for Renewing America, a Christian nationalist policy think tank headed by Russel Vought; Moms for Liberty, which has vociferously advocated against school curricula that mention LGBTQ+ rights, race and ethnicity, critical race theory, and discrimination; and the National Rifle Association, gun rights lobbying and advocacy group.


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