Hamster Kombat, the popular Telegram-based crypto game, is expanding once again. Ahead of its anticipated airdrop on The Open Network, the game now features a daily puzzle mini-game and the intriguing addition of keys. Here’s how to play and what we know so far.

#### What is the Puzzle Mini Game?

The new puzzle mini-game, introduced on July 19, refreshes daily and challenges players to move red and green candlestick indicators—similar to those on crypto price charts—to obtain a key before the timer runs out. The puzzle involves sliding these indicators within a constrained space, a nod to the classic sliding puzzle concept.

- **Gameplay Mechanics**: Red vertical indicators move up and down, while green horizontal indicators move left and right. You have only 30 seconds to slide a golden key through the exit.

- **Difficulty Level**: The initial puzzles are quite challenging. Some players have reported control issues, so ensure your Telegram app is updated. If you don’t solve the puzzle, you'll need to wait 90 minutes to try again.

- **Daily Refresh**: The puzzle updates every day at 4 PM ET, similar to the game’s daily combo and daily cipher challenges.

For those struggling, numerous influencers and content creators have shared solution videos on Twitter and YouTube. Watching these can provide a helpful walkthrough if you're stuck.

#### What Are the Keys For?

Keys are a new collectible in Hamster Kombat, offering players something beyond in-game coins. While their exact purpose remains a mystery, the developers hint at future value.

- **Developer Tease**: "The mystery key that you have probably already come across is an extremely useful thing that may come in handy in the future!" the team mentioned in a Telegram update. They promise more exciting features to come, so stay tuned!

With the game's popularity surging and the airdrop approaching, understanding and mastering the daily puzzle mini-game could be crucial for maximizing your token rewards. Keep an eye on updates and community content to stay ahead.

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