The Fed surrenders! Once the rate cuts start, the collapse will begin!

This week, Fed Chairman Powell was interviewed and continued to send very dovish signals. The US economic data also completely cleared all obstacles to rate cuts.

Now, the Fed has to surrender to the market and rate cuts have to start. According to Goldman Sachs' analysis, the Fed has solid reasons to start cutting rates in July, but most institutions believe that the Fed will start cutting rates in September.

Many people believe that after the US rate cuts, due to monetary easing, the US stock market and precious metals will enter a bull market. But I think the view of the well-known investor Shidaizhi is exactly the opposite. He believes that once the rate cut is confirmed, the stock market and precious metals will start to collapse. In fact, when the expectation of rate cuts has been fully met, the US stock market has begun to fall. Last week, the Nasdaq index plummeted, the worst performance in more than a year, which may be the beginning.

In fact, it is mainly the expectation of rate cuts, rather than the reality of rate cuts, that drives the stock market and precious metals up. Once this expectation is realized, there is a feeling of good news.

In addition, the bubble of the US stock market can no longer hold up. This year, it can be said that the index is completely supported by US technology stocks, which is based on the hype of artificial intelligence. However, most artificial intelligence has not generated real income, and is still in the state of PPT.

This week, ASML, the leader in lithography, announced its financial report. After the release of the financial report, the stock price fell by more than 10%. This is a very eye-catching financial report, which greatly exceeded analysts' expectations. It's just that the bubble is too high, and now and expectations can no longer keep up with the hype of the bubble.

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