
I started farming Mantle Metamorphosis 3 days ago and didn't realize how underrated it is

Mantle has a 100-day active campaign ending in 80 days (Oct 9) where we hold, stake, or LP their liquid version of ETH (mETH), and in return we qualify for $COOK, their Liquid Staking Protocol governance token

I ran a test with $400, and my rank jumped to 14k – try replicating that rank on Linea with $400


Here's the play

We earn powder (points) which will later be converted to $COOK for holding, LPing, or staking mETH, the governance token for their Liquid Staking Protocol

Hassle-free. No swapping, completing quests, or dumb things. The perfect opportunity if you are already holding $ETH

Mantle is already huge, worth over $2.8B, which means they have enough liquidity to pull off a decent airdrop

So how do we earn some of that powder:
Holding mETH gives 10x Powder/day
Staking mETH gives 20x Powder/day
LPing mETH/WETH gives 30x Powder/day
Lping mETH/USDT gives 40x Powder/day

Choose your path :
You can go the safe route and hold it

Deposit mETH into a tokenless project like Karak

Deposit, borrow against it, then LP to increase your overall funds

I built a simple strategy to farm 3 airdrops in 1

o here's how I did it:

Active your account
https://meth.mantle.xyz/campaigns/methamorphosis/kevinnft (copy)


WD from Bybit or Cross-chain swapped to receive MNT on Mantle

Swapped MNT for mETH
Leave some for gas fees

Deposited on Dolomite and borrowed 50% against it

Feel free to deposit on any other lending platform like Aurelius

Added liquidity using mETH-USDT

All of the projects above are tokenless, therefore, I am qualifying for more than one airdrop

Lastly, I stake and lock my $MNT for extra $COOK but it's completely optional

We can stake with no lock (flexible), or lock for 50 days, 100 days, 200 days, and 300 days

I went with 100 days because I was already holding $MNT that I am not planning on selling

Every 24h you will see an increase in your powder and leaderboard !

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