🚨🚨🚨The bull market came quietly amidst doubts. BTC retail investors will have two forces in their hearts: one is that they were scared by the previous big drop, and they are eager to cash out when the price rises a little, for fear of being locked in again and losing their profits; the other is that those friends who were heartbroken by the previous loss dare not get on the train easily now that they are bullish, for fear that it will plummet again once it goes up. They have to wait until the main force pulls the price to make them itchy, and they dare not buy it. As a result, they may stand guard at the top of the mountain again after buying.

Now this market has been washing from April to early July, but since the 15th, the market has rebounded significantly. We have to follow the market, don't waver, what false breakthroughs, escape opportunities, we can't care so much, just go with the trend! Reply 666 in the comment area, this round of bull market detective will never let fans down, this is the truth! !

#BTC☀ #NOTCOİN #pepe的离场位置 #wldusdt #sol趋势