Today, I got two profound insights, which I would like to record and polish:

MEME culture or speculative behavior is not a flaw in the Web3 ecosystem, but part of its unique charm. The challenge faced by Web3 builders is how to gradually guide those users who initially joined based on a speculative mentality to become loyal supporters who truly identify with and cherish the core values ​​of Web3. This process is not only a change in user mentality, but also the key to the Web3 ecosystem to deepen its influence and achieve sustainable development.

"Nothing to lose, nothing to fear", this belief is particularly appropriate in the Web3 field. For those who have difficulty accessing financial instruments such as leverage and lending in the traditional financial system, Web3 is like a door to a new world that opens up for them, providing unprecedented opportunities and possibilities. Here, the mentality of "nothing to lose" inspires them to bravely try and explore the unknown, and the inclusiveness and innovation of Web3 pave a path for them to financial freedom and self-realization.