It's so easy to make money! The AI ​​sector and the game sector have always been the sectors that Dabai is optimistic about.

Follow Dabai's footsteps and you will know!

Dabai has been shouting for everyone to buy the bottom, this coin has risen by 50%!

#ULTI Dabai first let everyone enter the market on July 15th, around 0.01983, and now you can get a 50% increase!

Yesterday, there was a correction and everyone entered the market again around 0.02524. Now you can also get an 18% increase.

Dabai really wants to take everyone to eat meat, so pay attention to Dabai's dynamics in time!

ULTI is a popular currency supported by the dual hot sectors of AI and game sectors. It has been consolidating with the market for a long time. Dabai also said that it is the bottom of the century. Sure enough, this bottom is too comfortable to buy!

With the endorsement of a large institution, it is estimated that it will be listed on Binance soon.

It has been rising all the time, and the popularity has been rising. In addition, the overall market environment is very good!

Everyone knows that the effect of listing on Binance will bring greater popularity to ULTI, and it will take off again at that time!

And the current market, from the daily line, still has a surge trend, and it has just started to take off

Spot layout, the current price of 0.301 is also a good opportunity to enter the market, and take advantage of the rising effect brought by listing on Binance

If it falls back to below 0.283, you can add positions to enter the market. If it continues to see more than 50% above, if you continue to hold it for the first time, you can probably get 1 times the price in the end!

Let's wait and see

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